Safety Pin Tag Info: | ||
Click for Full Size version of the tag's face:![]() Skintones bar; icons for Pagan, Unitarian/atheist/agnostic, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikh, Native American, Earth Mother, Hindu; LGBTQX Rainbow. Noncommercial use encouraged. Share freely. Click for PDF 8.5 x 11 sign: ![]() Shannon Coulter's #GrabYourWallet Boycott List of Companies that Do Business with and/or Back the Trump Family: companies to avoid. |
Click for Printable single sheet PDF, designed to result in 20 "safety pin tags":![]() Print, cut in half vertically (dotted line), then cut individual tags out. Keep the info-tags (the text about the iconography), since they're useful in taping the image to a Safety Pin. |
Fold the info-tab over safety pin, and Scotch Tape the info-tab to the back of the image:![]() Works especially well with photo-printing paper: ![]() Also there's a mailing-label template for 30-up Avery labels, if you're interested. |
My daughter and I put this together somewhat haphazardly, because she wanted to wear something more than just a Safety Pin -- she wanted something that people might ask her about, something a little less subtle than merely a pin. She and I want what we wear to make clear to others that we're not just safe, but that we'll actively protect anyone who feels threatened by prejudice or small-mindedness, in all its forms. I disagree with those who dis the Safety Pin as an empty symbol, with or without a tag. They may see it as an easy sop for white guilt, or believe it to be a too-easy signal from elite, privileged society. There are many other critiques, around colonialism, or institutionalized racism, or whatever. I think wearing the Safety Pin is useful, especially if many folks wear them, and as long as the Safety Pins are worn by someone recognizing the responsibility of wearing it: Wearing the Safety Pin, during a Trump-inspired administration, means you'll commit to protect anyone (including Trump supporters!) who are being bullied, abused, threatened, frightened, overpowered, outnumbered, or horrified, based on religion or gender or philosophy or politics or physical characteristics. Wearing the Safety Pin means you'll stand up, and potentially endanger (or seriously inconvenience) your loved ones: your spouses, your children, your grandchildren. You'll stand up, and potentially endanger your job, your social status, your self-identity. You'll stand up, because we don't back down from evil. Racism, sexism, bullying -- these are things no prophet (not Jesus, not Muhammed, not the Buddha, not anyone) condoned. It's even a stretch to find any support for abusing your religious competitors, in any holy book. Wearing the Safety Pin isn't about religion. It's about justice, and fairness, and community protection, and the US Constitution. There are far more who want to live as brothers and sisters, than there are who cry "White Power" or draw crude graffiti about "White America." Those jerks are adolescent boys, yearning to find identity. They are cowards, hoping they can blame others for their inadequacy. They are mostly boys and young men who fear the loss of power, and think that by rabidly asserting that power, they can claim it. The majority of American society -- including the majority of Trump voters, I believe -- recognizes that we all live in the same country, and that we are compatriots who want most of the same things: a kind community, a vibrant society, a secure economy, and even a sense of justice in the world. If you develop a better version of this tag, please let me know: michael jon jensen AT gmail (no spaces, no punctuation) so I can incorporate improvements. |