Michael Jon Jensen
Canada address:
13 Alex Cox Rd
Waldegrave, NS
B0K 1V0
[Michael Jon Jensen, 2022]

michaeljonjensen * g mail dot com
US address:
400 Jeffery Drive
Lincoln, NE

Current Position
CEO, mwmwm, inc., September 1, 2022 - present.
Current focus is on Commons Communities, a member-only site infrastructure for rural small towns to self-organize carpools, shared calendars and events, want ads, business directories, and more. He is also flogging the online word game he invented called WordaXity!

Previous Positions
Director of Technology, Westchester Publishing Services, 2015 - Aug 2022.
Responsibilities included strategic development of technology and data infrastructure for maximizing services to publishers, streamlining back office digital processes, and implementing our client-facing Services Portal so that clients can know the statuses of their publishing projects in real time.
Independent Consultant, August 2012 - 2015.
Digital publishing strategies, systems integration, daylong strategic planning workshops, etc., especially for nonprofit, mission-driven publishers.
Small farmer, and local community developer, Red Road Farm, Diamond, Nova Scotia, April 2010 - 2015
Worked to develop sustainable practices, experimented with low-impact farming, and developed community-resilience systems in rural Nova Scotia (supported the Local Economic Trading System by building an online membership system, got to beta building a local RideShare site, etc.).
Director of Strategic Web Communications, The Office of Communications of the National Academies, August 2007 - August 2012.
Advises the institution and the Press on strategic opportunities, identifies and researches arenas appropriate for furthering National Academies' communications goals, produces white papers and recommendations, engages in special projects, and develops experiments in knowledge discovery and outreach.
Director of Web Communications, The National Academies, 2/02 - 2007
Directs the Enterprise for Publishing and Outreach using Web Resources (EPOWR), for the Office of Communications of the National Academies. EPOWR's goals are to expand the reach and significance of the Academies enterprises via digital tools, empower staff with tools and systems to promote their efforts, and enable coordinated efforts across the institution. Responsible for development of lexical clustering, site navigation and consistency, sitewide search, usability testing, raising staff engagement, promoting digital outreach, and web communication standards. Included continuing as:
Director of Publishing Technologies, The National Academies Press, 1/98 - 2007
In charge of dissemination and publication technologies for the National Academies Press, publishers for The National Academy of Sciences, The National Academy of Engineering, The National Research Council, and The Institute of Medicine. Direct supervision and oversight of Internet and Information Systems, Internet Production, and Infrastructure departments. EPOWR staff make nearly 200 titles/year available in page image, PDF, HTML, or other formats. During Michael's tenure the site freely provided full world access to more than 750,000 pages comprising 4000 titles, delivering more than 1,500,000 Web pages per week to more than 200,000 to 400,000 visitors per week. He was the principle architect of the Openbook presentation system, designed to allow easy access to NAP page images via direct URL structures that integrate meta-information and the text OCRed from those pages. Principle developer of: within-book search systems; patent-pending content processing methodology which allows meaningful sitewide searching of National Academies-wide search results, called the Discovery Engine; the Research Dashboard; the Phrase Cloud; and ReferenceFinder; and other knowledge discovery, exploration, and distillation systems.
Electronic Publisher, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 8/95-1/98
Responsible for acquisition and development of new and reconfigured electronic publications for the oldest university press in the US; supervision and oversight of system development and developers; architect for navigational underpinnings of user interface for all online projects and systems for online subscription mechanisms. Major projects included digital versions of The Johns Hopkins Online Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism (winner of the Association of American Publisher's 1997 "Best Electronic Product - Internet - Social Sciences/Humanities" award), and Walker's Mammals of the World Online. Other responsibilities included leadership and development of Project Muse, a joint project of JHUP and JHU MSE Library, publishing the Press's 40+ journals digitally using the domain-access subscription model.

Electronic Media Manager, University of Nebraska Press, 7/89-8/96
Responsible for internal and external electronic information systems development for the University of Nebraska Press, one of the five largest state university presses in the country. Direct supervision of two full-time and four part-time staff members. Responsibilities included direction of all internal information system development, such as integrating database, wordprocessing, desktop publishing, and spreadsheet information Press-wide; identifying, testing, and installing software; and performing network maintenance and hardware system development. The position also included envisioning, planning, acquiring funding, and enacting the Press's electronic publishing program.

Way Back When
  • Electronic Manuscript Specialist (reclassification, University of Nebraska Press) 7/88
  • Lead Typesetter, University of Nebraska Press, 2/87
  • Type & Layout Manager, Accent Printing, Lincoln, NE, 7/85
  • Penta System Manager, Jarrett Engineering, Bloomington, IN, 3/84
  • Typesetter, Rock Associates/Jarrett Engineering, Bloomington, IN, 9/83
  • Assistant Instructor, English, University of Denver, 9/81-6/83


1976-81, Indiana University, graduated with Honors, Secondary Education Certification. Major: English. Minors: Anthropology, Telecommunications.
1981-83, University of Denver, MA program in English, Creative Writing emphasis (uncompleted).


  • National Academies Presidents' Award, highest staff honor given, for "extraordinary and enduring contributions to the work of The National Academies," October 1, 2001.
  • Association of University Presses, Constituency Award, the association's highest recognition, "In appreciation of his outstanding service to the university press community," May 1996
  • Association of American Publishers, Professional/Scholarly Publishing Division: Best Electronic Product – Internet – Social Sciences/Humanities, for The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, Online, 1997 winner
  • National Educational Media Network, Silver Apple Award, for Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography on CD-ROM, 1996
  • University of Nebraska Board of Regents Commendation, "For meritorious service and dedication to improving the quality of the University," February 15, 1992
Noteworthy projects
  • Architect and Producer of the National Academies Press's Active Skim chapter skimming tool, with one-click chapter searching for key terms; also of the Web Search Builder that enables easy creation of complex searches for multiple engines from the key phrases of any chapter (02/05)
  • Architect and Producer of the National Academies discovery engine and related lexically-based research tools like the "ReferenceFinder," providing semantically-enriched context-based results with "find more like this" capabilities for a decentralized organization (2/03)
  • Architect and Producer of the National Academies search results post-processing presentation system, providing context-coordinated results for a decentralized organization (07/02)
  • Director of the The History Cooperative's development of an open-access-leaning subscription model; architect and producer of the search engine of The History Cooperative, providing content- and context-based results for a multi-journal resource of scholarly value
  • Architect and Producer, Americans for the Arts online library online page presentation system, to provide browsable, searchable access to archive and current publications from the organization.
  • Architect and Producer, University of Illinois Press's Booker T. Washington Papers online page presentation system, as a model for an online documentary edition, enabling easy search and discovery. Housed by the History Cooperative; used by teachers and educators worldwide; visited by hundreds of thousands of students since its inception.
  • Inventor, Contentsphere, a Web research tool (currently in deep-cold storage), as well as the "searchmaker," "content distiller," "plagiarism finder," and "metadata extractor" tools available at orderchaos.com
  • Architect and Producer, National Academies Press OpenBook online book page presentation system, designed for inexpensive production, high-accuracy search and research, and functional browsing and page presentation.
  • Architect and Producer, Walker's Mammals of the World Online, version 5.1, and The Johns Hopkins Online Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism (winner of the Association of American Publisher's 1997 "Best Electronic Product - Internet - Social Sciences/Humanities" award)
  • Director, University Publishing Seminars, in Baku, Azerbaijan, and Ankara, Turkey, with Peter Givler (executive director of AAUP) and Colin Day (director, University of Michigan Press), to facilitate development of university, scholarly, and academic publishing in these two countries. The seminar in Turkey was a follow-up to the Turkish Publishing Seminar, listed below; 9/97
  • Initiator and Director, Gallery of the Open Frontier Project, a University of Nebraska Press partnership with the National Archives established with $100,000 federally appropriated funds to digitize at least 5000 images pertaining to the history of the American West, identify or develop data structures for identifiers of the images, and produce an online testbed, 11/94-10/95. This project was an arm of the Library of the Open Frontier, a digital library project under development. Acquired continuation funding of $100,000 for second year, 11/95-10/96.
  • Producer/Developer of the University of Nebraska Press's The Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography on CD-ROM, by Dan L. Thrapp, comprised of 5500 biographical entries and 270 portraits hypertextually linked and indexed, published 3/95. Responsibility for overseeing digitization and proofreading, designed interface, digitized images, programmed within authoring software, wrote conversion software. Winner of a 1996 National Educational Media Network "Silver Apple" award.
  • Director, Electronic Publishing Workshop II, a 2-day workshop for the Association of American University Presses, 6/96.
  • Director, Electronic Publishing Workshop I, a 2-day workshop for the Association of American University Presses, including presentations by Adobe, NCSA, USGS, NII staff, Senatorial staff, and other speakers, 6/94.
  • Director, Turkish Publishing Seminars, a 2.5-day workshop for Turkish University Presses and a 1-day workshop for Turkish commercial presses, in Izmir and Istanbul, Turkey, respectively, sponsored by the USIA, the AAUP, the Turkish Publishers Association, Ege University, and the Higher Education Council of Turkey, 4/94. Other members were Colin Day (Michigan), Lisa Freeman (Minnesota), and Bill Regier (Nebraska).
  • Director, Electronic Publishing Workshop, 1-day workshop for the AAUP Southern Presses prior to their annual meeting, 3/94.
  • Initiator and Project Director, University of Nebraska Library of the Open Frontier Digital Library Initiative, a four million dollar competitive grant proposal to the NSF developed jointly by the University of Nebraska Press, the UNL Libraries, the Computer Science and Engineering Department, and the Computing Resource Center, 2/94. Funding denied 8/94.
  • Initiator and Director, International Publishers Symposium, a $170,000 USIA-funded 3-week visit by 17 publishers from 7 Eastern and Central European countries, for development of publishing skills, 6/93
  • Initiator and Director, Electronic Publishing Workshop, 2-day workshop for the Association of American University Presses, including presentations by Adobe, Cognetics, Voyager, WordPerfect, and speakers on topics ranging from floppy publishing to CD-ROMs to online Internet publishing, 6/93.
  • Initiator, Producer, and Programmer, Buros Institute for Mental Measurement's Mental Measurements Yearbook on CDROM, 10/91. Designed visual interface for information access, translated digital data into appropriate format, coordinated pressing, etc. Published 9/93.
  • Acquired and Directed $12,000 funding from USIA for University of Nebraska Press Publisher Education Project, allowing Assistant Director, Production Manager, and Electronic Media Manager to spend five working days in Prague, Czechoslovakia educating two Czech university press staffs on Western university press publishing techniques, 10/91
  • Wrote successful $34,000 USIA grant proposal for continuation of Czech project, including visit by seven members of the two Czech university presses to Lincoln, 6/92.
  • Consultant to Stanford University Press and MIT Press on computerization, networking, information coordination, and database development, 12/91 and 8/92, respectively.
  • Advised UNL Physics department on CDROM development for their NSF-funded educational CDROM, 3/91
  • Initiated development of and acquired data for Internet on-line catalog of UNP titles with descriptive information and up-to-date prices; first searchable publisher's catalog on the Internet, 2/90.
  • Compositor, The Telephone Book, by Avital Ronell (UNP, 1990), an award-winning publishing/typesetting/design phenomenon.

Publications and significant presentations
Private sector activities
  • Founder and CEO, mwmwm, llc, a Web research tool development lab.
  • Inventor of the "searchmaker," "content distiller," "plagiarism finder," and "metadata extractor," all found via orderchaos.com
  • Inventor of Contentsphere, a Web site acquisition, storage, organization, and discovery, and exploration tool
  • Inventor of the "content cloud" method of presenting lexical interrelationships between content units (pages, sites, etc.)
Professional organizations and activities
  • Member, Executive Board, NISO, 2007 - 2010
  • Member, Executive Board and Executive Committee, the JRS Biodiversity Foundation, 2004 to 2009
  • Member, Executive Board, BIOSIS, the premier biological and life sciences indexing and abstracting service, Spring 2000 to Spring 2004
  • Member, Executive Board, NINCH, the National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (President-elect as of 2/2003) fall 2001 to dissolution in winter 2003
  • Founding Member, Board of Directors, The History Cooperative pioneering discipline-focused electronic publishing project
  • Member, Public Issues Task Force, Association of American Publishers, 2000 to present
  • Member, Board of Directors, Association of American University Presses (AAUP) 1995-1998
  • Member, Johns Hopkins University Subcommittee on Electronic and Distance Education, 1995-97
  • Member, American Historical Association Publications Advisory Committee
  • Solicited evaluator, American Political Science Association proposal for online project for proceedings of APSA
  • Member, AAUP Professional Development Committee, 1993-94
  • Founding Member, AAUP Electronic Caucus, 1992-1994
  • Member, AAUP Electronic Publishing Task Force, 1991-92
  • Member, AAUP Computer Committee 1989-93
  • Chair/Founder, AAUP Environmental Impact Committee, 1990-91
  • Member, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Campus Wide Information Systems Advisory Board, 1993-1995
  • Member, American Memory Project development team, 1992-93.
  • Member, Editorial Review Board, Nebraska Humanities, 1990-94
  • Member, Editorial Review Board, Nebraska Humanist, 1989
Editorial and textual experience
  • Freelance proofreader, University of Nebraska Press, 1987-88
  • Copyeditor: Yours for the Revolution, by John Graham, (UNP, 1990)
  • Copyeditor: Tutelary Tales, by Villy Sorensen, tr. Paula Hostrup-Jessen (UNP, 1988)
  • Production editor: Men from the Boys, by Ray Raphael (UNP, 1988)
  • Coeditor, Quarry (annual literary magazine, Indiana University) 1981
  • Editor, Nebraska Humanist, (annual, Nebraska Committee for the Humanities) 1989
  • Coeditor, Nebraska Humanities, (quarterly, Nebraska Humanities Council) 1990-92

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